As a BACP accredited organisation, North Staffs Mind offers a high quality training experience delivered by passionate, qualified and experienced trainers.

We offer a range of courses aimed at enhancing resilience and supporting the mental wellbeing of the workforce. We initiate an open, confidential and supportive environment where lived experience, sector case studies and local signposting ensure relevance to every delegate.

We know that each organisation’s culture, needs and aspirations are unique and so work hard to understand the individual needs of our corporate clients.

In addition to providing face to face group training, the pandemic has enabled us to appreciate the value and benefits of remote (digital) training delivery. Feedback demonstrates positive client satisfaction from our digital service offer, as it is equally engaging yet often more practical.

Some of our most popular courses include:

Wellbeing and Resilience for the Workplace – 3.5 Hours

This is an brief introduction to mental health awareness, primarily within the workplace, but also within a non workplace environment. The course is aimed for all levels of staff, and is structured to improve knowledge and understanding around mental health and wellbeing, followed by the exploration of a range of techniques to improve an individual’s resilience in general .  Self-care and signposting information is also included.

Managing Mental Health in the Workplace – 6.5 Hours

This is a more in depth course for any people managers or supervisors within an organisation.  Gives a detailed insight into Mental Health Awareness including risk and resilience factors.  It includes a detailed looks at stress, anxiety, depression and burnout and how these can be identified within both one’s self and other people.  The session looks at reducing stigma in the workplace and how to support staff who may be experiencing a mental health problem. It covers best practice for when someone is off work with a mental illness, their return to work, self-care and signposting services.

Mental Health Champion Training – 6.5 Hours

For organisations wishing to introduce a peer support system into their workplace, we offer a cost effective alternative to the formal Mental Health First Aid qualification. Our course is certificated and provides a detailed look into what it means to be a Mental Health Champion and the key principles and values required.  It provides an introduction to and understanding of a range of techniques to enable them to confidently support colleagues, and look after themselves. It also provides contact details for a range of local support services for signposting and referral.

Suicide Awareness and Prevention – 3.5 Hours

An open, direct and honest session exploring the topic of suicide in a supportive environment.  The session explores suicide awareness, reducing stigma, risk and protective factors, signs that someone may be feeling suicidal, and a four-step intervention that can be applied to support someone who may be having suicidal thoughts and ideations.  Signposting and self-care are also explored.

We have a range of other mental health related sessions available, including understanding self-harm, understanding loss and grief and stress management.  

For more information please download our latest training brochure.